Physical work meetings vs virtual work meetings – 5SD037

I thought it would be best to introduce myself since this is my first post.
My name is Edward Leiman and I study Project Management at Uppsala University on Campus Gotland. I am 19 years old meaning I started studying right after high school. This was an impulsive decision but now after being here for a while I can tell it was the right call.

I am part of Team Golem where I am the project manager/producer. We have been working on the concept document, Burn Witch Burn for about 4 weeks now.

While working in the team it has become clear how important it is to be working together at a ”headquarter”. To explain why this is so more efficiant in oppose to working from home while being on skype I need to explain something about game development first.
When making a game in a completely new team it is of utmost importance that everyone in the team has the same view of the game in their minds while working on assets. If they don’t, the game will not be coherrent overall and the player will feel this directly.
Working together physcally also gives is better group dynamic. You learn to talk to your group members and eventually after time you will be closer with them, this is important while working as a team.
As a project manager who’s been given a methodology to follow from the get go there are times when it feels like you are not learning enough. Being able to be present during these physical meetings gives a lot to me personally. I get an incredible insight in just watching how my graphicers and programmer work. It is easy to help with Q&A after an asset is completed.
Throughout the development of the game there is bound to be changes from the original idea. Discussing these changes as a team and being able to bounce changes back and fourth improves the end product significantly.

Due to the difference in everyone’s schedule it’s been hard to agree on a specific time to meet each day. Our group has used Facebook in order to communicate smoothly when everyone ends their lecture’s and are able to get together. It has worked well so far but from my perspecitve as a project manager long time planning would definitly be more efficient. If the schedule’s were presented longer than one week a head it would be easier to pin down meetings for each month. And in that way make it easier for every member to plan ahead, instead of deciding upon it the day before.

I look forward to continue working in my team, we got really good feedback from the project owner so it seems like we are on the right path!

Leiman Out.

1 kommentar

  1. The blog post is about physical work meeting. Well if you were to have all three main requirements (what, how, why) for the blog, what part is missing. Well what could you say about ‘What is the physical work meeting’. The word literally explains itself. Other than that, how and why part is neatly and clearly explained.
    I think this post is well written from the fact that Edward genuinely shares his thoughts as a project manager. It is true that numerous project managers feel the same way when it comes to the project that we are conducting now. The manager’s role is somewhat vague and it seems nothing valuable compared to graphics or programmers. However, I want to compliment Edward that he has turned this situation in the way that could strengthen his knowledge not only as a project manager but also as a game designer.
    Nice work!


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